Top 5 Ordinals Wallets: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Bitcoin NFT Wallets

Hey there, my fellow #Ryders! We're back again, exploring the captivating universe of Ordinal NFTs – the latest craze in creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Bitcoin. Developer Casey Rodarmor introduced us to Ordinal NFTs on January 20, 2023, and they've been making waves in the Bitcoin community ever since. With over 3,000,000 inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain and more than 5 million USD in fees paid to Bitcoin miners, Ordinals are all the rage.

Let's dive right in and check out the top 5 fan-favourite Ordinals wallets and see what makes them so awesome.

  • Xverse Wallet: Kicking things off with the wallet that first announced Ordinal compatibility, Xverse is a self-custodial wallet and one of the most advanced Bitcoin wallets out there. Gaining popularity through Bitcoin community activations like the Ordinals Auction with Gamma and trustless trading with PSBTs with MagicEden, Xverse is becoming a preferred Bitcoin wallet.
    Boasting more than 120k downloads on mobile and desktop, you can grab Xverse for Chrome, iOS, and Android.
  • Hiro Wallet: thanks to the Ordinal hype, Hiro Wallet is also gaining some serious attention. Mark, its co-founder, says Hiro's active users shot up by 350% this year, with activity really taking off since February, all because of Ordinals.
    Hiro is a top pick in the Stacks ecosystem, thanks to its extensive compatibility. It's like the MEW of the Stacks world. Just like Xverse, Hiro focuses on Bitcoin development to win market share, like enabling indexers to pull inscription data used by apps like Ordinal marketplaces integrating Hiro, Xverse, and UniSat are driving their growing popularity.
  • Ordinals Wallet burst onto the scene on February 16th, and it's got some neat features specifically designed for Ordinals Inscriptions! Now you can receive, store, and view your Ordinals all in one wallet. And since March 1st, they've stepped it up by letting you list Ordinals for sale and snag some fresh new ones too! How cool is that?
  • Earth Wallet is the new eco-friendly contender in the world of Ordinals. They recently announced Ordinal support, but what's really intriguing is their eco-program. A massive 100,000 new and existing Earth Wallet users can claim their own NFTree Seed! 🌱 Partnering with the amazing non-profits Dollar Donation Club and Trees for the Future, 🤝 each NFTree Seed represents one tree planted, which will absorb around 15.5 lbs of CO2 per year, produce 3.75 lbs of yummy organic goodies, and rejuvenate 16 sq. ft. of soil!
  • Sparrow Wallet is one of the OG wallets people used to tinker with the Ordinals Protocol. It's not the easiest wallet to use, as it's designed for hardcore Bitcoiners or tech-savvy users who prioritize security and privacy. Even though Sparrow isn't the most visually appealing wallet, it can do almost everything the others can, and then some, like: standards-based, including full PSBT support, full support for single sig and multisig wallets, various connection options: public servers, Bitcoin Core, and private Electrum servers, support for most hardware wallets with USB and airgap modes, send and receive to PayNyms, both directly (BIP47) and collaboratively, andbuilt-in TOR.

If all that sounds a bit much for you, then Sparrow Wallet might not be your cup of tea. As you can see, it's a wallet that gives users full customizability in everything they do.

Alright, #Ryders! We've explored the top 5 Ordinals wallets that are shaking things up in the Bitcoin universe. Each wallet brings something unique to the table, catering to various users and requirements. As Ordinals pick up steam, we can expect even more creativity in the world of Bitcoin NFTs.

Last but not least, don’t forget to jump on the waiting list to get your hands on a Ryder, and soon, you'll enjoy a user-friendly hardware wallet for all your Ordinals needs.

Join the Ryder waiting list here!

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